Bored with standard flooring you can buy at every other store? Looking for special oak wood flooring designs that truly stick out from the crowd? You have come to the right place! We have a great number of special oak wood flooring designs in our repertoire.
We perform many different kinds of modifications on the wood. These different kind of modifications create different looks that can be combined with each other to create the look that you wish to have on your flooring. When you look at the special oak wood flooring designs that we have developed, you might ask yourself how we manage to still keep our pricing affordable and compatible?! This is simply due to the fact that we managed to automate several processes that would indeed take a long time if performed by hand.
Apart from mechanical modifications to the wood surface, we have come up with numerous ways to further manipulate and “distress” the wood surface. We can create color effects that virtually last forever, because the colors can move deep inside the wood surface making them resistant to abrasion. So we can for example make your flooring look like it has aged from a few years to centuries, while keeping the color tone exactly the way you desired.
By smoking the flooring, the wood gets darker depending on how long it stays in the process. This particular process actually causes a chemical reaction that darkens the wood, rather than the smoke staining it. Carbonization is another process that we mastered in order to offer something special that lasts!
You can also combine one or more special design modifications with any of our basic color! By mixing the Basic Colors and the Special Designs that we offer, you can create the special oak wood flooring designs you were looking for! Do not hesitate to contact us, we can realize and produce your dream wood flooring.
Our Special Oak Wood Flooring Designs
We have produced a shear countless number of special oak wood flooring designs. Below are some of the most popular and distinctive special oak wood flooring designs that we have produced over the years.
Carbonized smoke
Carbonized smoke naturel
Carbonized smoke white
Carbonized white
Dark smoke
Dark smoke brush white
Dark smoke grey
Dark smoke white
Evening alu
Evening bronze
Evening bronze brush
Images coming soon.