Jatoba Engineered Hardwood Flooring

Jatoba Engineered Hardwood Flooring summary; This wood is hard and is a wood that is to be compared with the more stronger timber. It is very rich as it is compared with the color of deep red wine. Jatoba Engineered Hardwood Flooring has no sap wood and has a strong grain. Available only in grade A.



If we speak about a strong wood than Jatoba timber is one of these species that you will classify strong. Jatoba Engineered hardwood flooring is therefor a real hard and though floor that has an absolute added value to to itś strength. Beside this, one will gain a very luxury atmosphere when Jatoba flooring is installed. The deep red whine look, the dark brown to near black grain will give you a composition that people will be silent when look at an interior that has a Jatoba wooden floor.

The color of Jatoba is one to keep, therefor, this timber is normally not treated with any color, it is to be kept natural. For this kind of receipt one can coat with oxidative oil or poly urethane oil. You can use also out polymer top coat.

Acacia (jumturi) strong  90%
Reference soft wood like pine and spruce, strong 50%

Our advise is to keep the natural colors from Jatoba, use an oil and seal off with out polymer top coat. PU lacquer is also an option although the colors will be a little more pale if we compare an oil finish.


Jatoba has a sap wood color that is white, grey and pink. In no way this will be kept in a jatoba floor. The more rustic grades are far from any kind of good idea to use it in interior decoration, that is why only an A grade is supplied by arrow wood.

The with of wood is mainly 18cm wide and we can supply a smaller width on request.


  • Can use on floor heating.
  • Usa only natural oxidative oil.
  • Can use top coat protection.
  • Can not be in a smoked design.
  • PU lacquer will keep the wood less dark
  • Harder than oak wood
  • Jatoba has no sap wood
  • Sap wood is not in the floor.
  • Keep up the maintenance protocols
  • The wood has a strong color and grain
  • Available in grade A
  • Harvest in South America
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